χαρτί υγείας - tradução para Inglês
Dicionário Online

χαρτί υγείας - tradução para Inglês

toilet paper         
  • Crêpe secondary raw material toilet paper
  • Leaves as motif on toilet paper
  • Toilet paper and toilet paper holder; the paperboard center of a spent roll is visible on the holder.
  • A 1792 [[French Revolution]]ary caricature, depicting the French population using the Monarchist [[Brunswick Manifesto]] as toilet paper.
  • 259x259px
  • Rolls of toilet paper, produced by [[Nokia]] in the 1960s, at the [[Vapriikki Museum Centre]] in [[Tampere]], [[Finland]]
  •  "''Le Troubadour''" (French) – 1960s package of toilet paper
  • Toilet paper with motif 50 euro bills
  • Some people spread toilet paper on public toilet seats before sitting down.
  • Apricot colored toilet paper
  • A print by [[William Hogarth]] entitled ''[[A Just View of the British Stage]]'' from 1724 depicting [[Robert Wilks]], [[Colley Cibber]], and [[Barton Booth]] rehearsing a pantomime play with puppets enacting a prison break down a privy. The "play" is composed of nothing but toilet paper, and the scripts for ''Hamlet'', ''inter al.'', are toilet paper.
Toilet tissue; Toilet roll; Toliet Paper; Bathroom tissue; Toilet Paper; Bog roll; Bog Roll; Loo roll; Asswipe; Buttwipe; Shitpaper; Lavatory paper; Bogroll; Tiolet paper; Loo paper; Bath tissue; Toilet papers; Toilet-paper; Asswhipe; Toilet paper in the United States; Ass paper; Butt paper; Toilet Paper Tube; Toilet rolls; Toilet tissue roll; Toiletpaper; 🧻; Environmental impact of toilet paper; Bog paper; Toilet paper roll; Toilet paper core
χαρτί του καμπινέτ, χαρτί υγείας
χαρτί υγείας         
toilet paper
there is no toilet paper      
δεν υπάρχει χαρτί υγείας.


Χαρτί υγείας
Το χαρτί υγείας είναι ένα προϊόν λεπτού χαρτιού που χρησιμοποιείται κυρίως για το σκούπισμα και καθαρισμό του πρωκτού και της γύρω περιοχής των γεννητικών οργάνων. Επίσης δρα ως στρώμα προστασίας για τα χέρια κατά τη διάρκεια αυτών των διαδικασιών.